We are really lucky to be involved in a project with ArtUK who are working hard to digitise a percentage of sculptures held in collections around the UK and add them to their website. Our oil paintings are already searchable through their database and we have started to add some of our works on paper so it is extra exciting to be able to get our sculptures in the spotlight too. Adrienne Wallman from Art UK came for a pre-visit several months ago and has helped us co-ordinate so that 23 pieces from our sculpture collection could be photographed in just one day!
Ray and Lee from our operations team helped to safely transport our sculptures throughout the process which helped the day run smoothly for photographer Derek Trillo. The biggest challenge we faced was to photograph the two sculptures in the library, so we did them first!
We then moved on to the rest of the pieces we had chosen. We started with the larger pieces like ‘Legs’ by Ralph Brown.
To get the lighting right Derek had various reflective panels for us to hold so that each sculpture was illuminated to showcase all their details.
Once we moved on to the smaller sculptures we were able to utilise a table much to Derek’s relief. Each piece was photographed all the way around before close-ups were taken of any specific details or engraving so we were able to move through the smaller pieces much more quickly.
One of my favourite pieces to be photographed was ‘The Gobbling Goblin’ by Matthew Roby.
You can see how the pieces were first taken with a marker by Derek to help him get the correct camera settings ( in main image at top of this page)
It was a hugely successful day and I can’t wait to see the finished images on the Art UK website when the project is completed, we are so happy to be one of the venues taking part! You can check out the works in our collection that are already on ArtUK
Written by Jemma Tynan, Exhibitions and Learning Officer, The Atkinson.
Posted on 6 December 2018 under Exhibitions, Uncategorized